
The right emulsion for any surface

Economical polishing on large surfaces

Menzerna offers the right polishing emulsion for all materials. Every surface has its own unique challenges that need to be overcome by the liquid polishing paste. Gloss value, tool abrasion and degreasing properties are important keywords emphasised by Menzerna. We are specialists for automated polishing using centrally supplied polishing systems. That is how we know what ingredients need to be combined for the respective material. This makes it possible to consistently produce the desired surface quality. The goal on any surface: Efficient dosage, process security, consistent surface quality, short polishing time.

Versatile in application – liquid polishing pastes from Menzerna

Menzerna emulsions make “short work” on any surface

The desired final quality depends to a large extent on the work piece in question. Anything can be required when polishing aluminium and stainless steel: From a brushed to a high-gloss surface. Only an absolute mirror finish counts on coatings. Especially with black coatings. The suitability of the surface for electroplating is the primary concern on brass fittings. For aluminium, the suitability for subsequent anodising takes centre stage. But a short, secure process is one thing that always pays off. Industrial enterprises consistently achieve the desired results economically on any surface with Menzerna polishing compounds.

The latest polishing technology for any surface

With Menzerna, industrial users get exactly the polishing paste that is suited for their surface and process. All ingredients in Menzerna emulsions are innovative and optimised for the special requirements of the surface. Greasier pastes are used on hard alloys. On the other hand, drier pastes are used on softer alloys. An excessively high temperature on the surface is prevented by the optimised bond with effective heat dissipation. The polishing paste adheres better to the wheel. Individually developed, adjusted Top-Cut polishing pastes have no oversized particles. Polishing defects are avoided. Even defects in the polishing of aluminium that only become visible after anodising. Scrap rates are significantly reduced. Liquid polishing pastes developed especially for one-step polishing result in shorter process times.